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Appraiser are in the Field

Appraisers are in the Field appraising the School Districts of Cranfills Gap, Iredell, & Meridian.

The Contracted Appraisers with Western Valuation and Consulting have the sign below on their vehicles.

Central Appraisal District Sign

The Appraisers with Bosque CAD still have their signs that say “Bosque County Central Appraisal District”.

How is my Property Appraised?

At least once every three years, each parcel of property in Bosque County is visited and reviewed by an appraiser (or data collector) from the appraisal district in accordance with Texas Law. During that visit, the appraiser reviews property characteristics and records any changes from the last review cycle. (For example, if you have added or removed a barn, shed, or swimming pool.) The appraiser also looks closely at your improvements (houses or buildings) to see if there is any change in the exterior condition of your property. Appraisal district appraisers never ask to inspect your home from the interior.

Typically, an appraiser will validate the:

  • Size of your improvements,
  • Construction quality of your improvements, and
  • Physical condition of your improvements.

Using these facts, the appraisal district will determine the market value of your property as of January 1 considering one of three methods of appraisal:

  • Sales comparison/market approach,
  • Cost approach, or the
  • Income approach.

And because the appraisal district is placing a value on a large number of properties annually, the appraisal district must utilize applicable features of each method and apply them uniformly to similar properties in a process known as mass appraisal.